How To Use Blackjack Osrs


Using the bank plugin, you can now trigger a bank search using the hotkey Ctrl + F The combat level plugin now shows levels needed for a new combat level beyond 99. The DPS counter plugin has gained new options to only count boss damage, and to reset when a boss dies. II quest) they are D.L.Q to the east (must cross the bridge to the north-west Next, lure him into a building. It works by knocking out bandits and thugs and then pickpocketing them It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website.We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. I use OpenOSRS, used the 1click blackjack with an auto-clicker and got 99 thieving in just over 2 weeks at a reasonable pace ^^ prepilotfurry1, Jan 20, 2020 Share.

How To Use Blackjack OsrsHow to use blackjack osrs

– The Fued Quest
– A blackjack (can buy from GE if not an ironman. Ironmen will have to do Rogue Trader)
– 45 thieving

UseOsrs how to use a blackjack

Osrs How To Use A Blackjack

0:00 Intro
0:44 Requirements/Location
1:03 Different Blackjacking Tiers
1:30 Gear and Inventory Setup
2:59 Blackjacking with Visual Cues
5:53 Getting Out of Combat (Only happens if you aren’t using full inventory method)
6:52 Getting More Food
8:06 Luring the Thug
8:33 Removing “Attack” Option
8:50 Mobile Demo
9:13 Increasing Right-click Menu Size
10:33 Reducing Mouse Movement with Stretched Mode (Alternative to Increased Menu Size)
12:31 Luring for Stretched Mode
12:59 Adding Screen Markers for Stretched Mode
13:31 Extra Blackjacking Footage

This video is aimed at showing how to blackjack tick-perfectly (as fast as the game allows), maximizing experience gain efficiency. It shows when to click, situations to look out for, and some tips and variations to make it easier.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment, and I’ll try my best to answer 🙂

Thanks to Hayden L for pointing out the full inventory method since coin pouches came out.

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Blackjacking is one of the fastest thievingmethods in OSRS, possible from level 45 thieving, you can gain up to 250kxp/hr. It works by knocking out bandits and thugs and then pickpocketing themwhilst they are unconscious. In thisguide I will cover a method that exploits having a constantly full inventory ofcoins and food/ food residue to avoid being unnecessarily stunned. You canblackjack until level 99 although at thieving level 91 Pyramid Plunder becomes afaster method. Blackjacking extremely click intensive and takes precision andpractice to gain the optimum speeds.

How To Blackjack Osrs Mobile


The only location to blackjack bandits is inPollnivneach a medium sized town which is in the centre of the KharidianDesert. There are multiple ways to reach it, the easiest is if you have a housein Pollnivneach as there is a house portal just north-west of the town, onceyou arrive via that method just run east to find the bandits at the northernpart of the town of levels 45 and 56 (the Menaphite thugs you will blackjack atlevel 65 are in the southern part of the town). Alternative methods to get toPollnivneach are by going through the Shanty Pass south of Al Kharid (using theamulet of glory to it is a fast method) then run south-east or use the magiccarpet (which has no requirements to Pollnivneach) for 200 gp. There are alsotwo fairy rings located nearby (requiring partial completion of the Fairy TaleII quest) they are D.L.Q to the east (must cross the bridge to the north-westthen run south) and B.I.Q to the north-west.


There are just a few requirements forblackjacking. As previously mentioned 45 thieving is required to start and alsothe following: completion of the Feud Quest, food to recover from hits such aspies and wine (the food item should leave a remnant in the inventory, such as apie dish and empty wine bottle so you always have a full inventory) and therogues outfit. You can use noted food items on the banknote exchange merchantin Pollnivneach for 5 gp per item, there is no need to bring extra gp as youwill make more than enough gp from blackjacking to cover the first exchangeanyway. If you don't have a huge amount of food, for instance if you are anironman then you can go to Ali the barman and purchase wines from him, boththese options will prevent you from having to leave Pollnivneach. When you getto the Menaphite thugs it makes sense to just use the bar as they are in thesame location so will save more time than going and un-noting, though both arequite fast. You will also, most importantly, need a blackjack which is a clublike weapon with a crush style attack. There are three variants of blackjack,oak, willow and maple and each variant has a regular, offensive and defensiveversion though they can be all used to lure and knock out bandits and thugs.Each blackjack has exactly the same knock out chance, only your thieving levelwill increase the knock out chance. As you are given a willow blackjack as areward for completion of the Feud Quest you should just use that.

How to Blackjack


Once you have the bandit or thug lured youshould right click and select “knock-out”, then when he's on the floor quicklyright click and select “pickpocket”, you should be able to get 2-3 pickpocketsin this time, depending on your ping (finding a low population world with a lowping is very beneficial). As soon as the thug or bandit stands up just quicklyknock him out again and return to pickpocketing. If you fail the knockout orpickpocket timing and attempt it when he is standing up you will be hit takingdamage and he can become aggressive, you will also be stunned for 5 seconds,just wait and then restart the process after healing if necessary. The reasonwe use max inventory with cash and 27 food items/ food residues is so you don'thave to open the coin pouch to continue, also when you thieve from anunconscious bandit/ thug you just receive coins directly to your coin stack.When the thieves/ bandit are conscious if you attempt to pickpocket by accident(instead of knocking out) it will fail by giving the error of a full inventory.

Atlevel 45 thieving you can only blackjack the and thieve from the level 41bandits (distinguishable by the big white beards), at level 55 you should moveto the level 56 bandits (which have no beards). You should lure the banditsinto a building so they are easier to blackjack/ pickpocket as they can't movearound as much. One of the best locations to lure the bandits is into Ali's DyeShop, the most north-eastern building in Pollnivneach. If Ali is in her shopjust open the curtain then walk away and she should follow you outside, orchange worlds to find one where she isn't in her shop if you are havingproblems with this. To lure a bandit inside right click on a bandit yourthieving level allows and lure the bandit, a dialogue will appear where thebandit asks what is it, you ask him to follow you for a surprise. Occasionallythey will ask you to go away, just keep trying again and eventually they willfollow you. Once the bandit follows you in through the curtains, close thecurtains and you can begin to blackjack and pickpocket. The major benefit ofusing Ali's Dye Shop aside from its small size is the ability to use the ladderif the bandit becomes aggressive, once upstairs you can heal up if need be thenonce you go back down the ladder the bandit will be unaggressive and you canrestart blackjacking. You will find that using that shop is a very popularlocation so you may have to jump worlds a bit to find an empty location.

How To Blackjack Osrs

As previously mentioned, once you reachlevel 65 you can go to the south of Pollnivneach and start blackjacking theMenaphite thugs. The building just south of the two camels is a good location.Although there is no ladder in the building but there is no better locationunfortunately. There are however some stairs you can climb north-east of thebuilding to reset aggressiveness, make sure you close the curtain to keep thethug inside. Still you will make more experience than at the thugs, and onceyou get good at blackjacking there should be no need to reset theiraggressiveness. Sometimes the thugs can get stuck outside the wall next to thecurtain when you are trying to lure them in, just try and allign them next tothe door and try again, it shouldn't be too hard. Once in the building, closethe curtain as before and start blackjacking. If you like you can continue hereuntil level 99 thieving but at 91 it is faster experience at Pyramid Plunder.When you want to leave Pollnivneach you should use the magic carpet to alocation with a bank, such as Al Kharid once you go through Shanty pass, tore-obtain your teleports/ other desired items as there is no bank inPollnivneach.